Occasionally we receive phone calls regarding issues regarding our software and/or printers. There are also calls related to “how-to’s” with our software and printers.

Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions we receive. Although this list is not complete, we will continue to update our database as additional questions

Please contact Total ID Solutions if you cannot find the answer to your question, check out our online support page, or if you’d like to have a question added to our list. Thank You!

Locate the product you have questions on, and click on the product logo to search our FAQs.



Evolis Dualys: Why is the light above the triangle with an exclamation mark in the middle of it on?

That light will always come on when the card catcher is partially closed. Make sure the card catcher in either completely opened or completely closed. If the light does not go out, you may have to cycle the power on the printer. This should remove the error message from printer memory, and if you printing job stopped, it should start up again Download the Dualys3 LED Help Manual.

LED(s) on the control panel are on. What does this mean?

The Evolis “User’s Guide” provides you with a clear explanation of every LED on the control panel. This guide is available on the Evolis CD-ROM shipped with the printer, or it can be downloaded from our Evolis Plastic Card Printers page, or you can get the “Dualys3 HELP Manual” (a slimmed down version of the User’s Guide), by clicking on Download the Dualys3 LED Help Manual.

Nothing happens when I try to clean my Evolis printer. What am I doing wrong?

Make sure there are no jobs in the print queue. Clear all jobs and recycle printer power. Go to your list of printers and faxes. Right click on the Evolis printer. Click on “Printing Preferences.” Click on the “Tools” tab. Click on Printer Self Cleaning. Follow the onscreen instructions.

What can I do if cards are not being fed into the printer?

During printing, if a card remains in the feeder or gets stuck in the middle of the printer, please check the following points:

  1. Has the printing job been correctly sent to the printer? If an error has occurred, the Windows toolbar will display a red circle with a question mark on the printer icon.
  2. Is the card thickness gauge adjusted to the actual card thickness, or slightly above?
  3. Clean the printer.
  4. Make sure that the cards are not sticking together (pull cards out of hopper and fan them). Also, make sure they meet all compatibility requirements from the printer manufacturer.
I have one or multiple horizontal white lines on my printed cards. What can I do?

White lines on a printed card means that the print head is unable to heat the ribbon in this zone: the ink cannot be diffused/applied correctly onto the card surface. This issue may arise from either a dirty or faulty print head. Clean the print head. If cleaning does not clear this defect, please contact Total ID Solutions.

I have a white margin on the edge(s) of the printed card. What can I do?

The white margins on the edges of the printed card can be reduced by changing the offset settings. A technical process will allow you to move the position of the image and increase/decrease the number of printed lines on the card. For more information, please contact Total ID Solutions.

I cannot encode a magnetic card. What can I do?
  1. Check the card position inside the feeder (see figure under the feeder)
  2. Clean the printer with an Evolis cleaning card (see Evolis user’s guide for your printer and follow procedure)
  3. In the Driver Properties/Tools/Encoder Settings screen, check if the coercivity is the same as that of the magnetic cards (stripe color) and then click the Set button before clicking OK.
  4. Check if the data is correct (number of characters and/or allowed characters).

If the issue remains even after checking these points, please contact Total ID Solutions.

No LED is on, including the power button. What should I do?

If no LED light is on, including the power button, please check the following items:

  1. Is the power supply connected to a live electrical wall socket?
  2. Is the power supply the one that came with your Evolis printer?
  3. Is the power supply faulty? (The power supply displays a green light when it operates properly).
  4. Is the power supply suitably connected to the printer?
Evolis Primacy: Cards will not feed and/or cards are getting jammed

If you are experiencing card feeding issues and/or card jam issues, please read Card Jam or Feed Issue on an Evolis Primacy Card Printer. If that does not fix the problem, please contact our support team.


P330i/P430i – I get an out of ribbon message or mechanical error.

The first thing to try is to run a full cleaning cycle on the printer. If this doesn’t fix the issue, attempt to try another ribbon. If neither of the above suggestions work, check to make sure you have at least version of firmware (download new firmware from the Zebra Card Printers website if needed), open the printer driver (Start > Printers & Faxes > Right click printer > Properties), go to the device settings tab and click Tools. After the tools box appears, click into the Direct Command box and type ‘CALB’ without the quotes and click Send/Execute. There will need to be a ribbon in the printer at this time and at least 1 card. All of the sensors will be recalibrated and reset. After calibration is complete, printing should return to normal.


HDP5000 – Cards are getting stuck in the print track near the flip station.

Since the HDP5000 is a modular printer, the main cause of this is a loose connection between the flip station and either the printer or the laminator. Try pushing the printer together tighter; if this fixes the issue, be sure you turn the printer upside down and secure the modules together with the correct screws. There are 2 screws per connection.

HDP5000 – The Fargo printer gives a “RIBBON MISCUE” error message when printing a card.

The first step is to calibrate the ribbon and film. To do so, go to your list of printers and faxes (devices and printers on Win 7); find and right click the HDP5000 printer; click on printing preferences; click on “Toolbox” button; do a ribbon calibration and film calibration. NOTE: Follow the instructions in the Fargo toolbox. Try printing a card. This should take care of the “RIBBON MISCUE” error message on your Fargo HDP5000 card printer. However, if you still receive the same error message, please contact Total ID Solutions, Inc. support department.


ID IMAGE by Ban-Koe

How do I start a new structure?

First, click on File > New Structure. The first box that pops up is simply a dialog to allow you to name the structure. After typing in the name and clicking OK another box will appear on the screen. This box allows you to add whichever fields you would like to your structure. Type in the field names one at a time clicking Add Field or hitting Enter after each one. When finished, click OK and your newly created structure will be ready for card designs and data.

How do I backup my files?

Using the backup utility that’s built into ID Image is not real user friendly. There is, however, an easier way to back up your databases, card designs, and configuration files. We do this by just maiing a copy of the complete “Structures” directory (folder).

First, you need to determine your operating system and the version of ID Image. To do so, login to ID Image, click on “Help” and “About.” Once you determine what version of ID Image you have, and your PC’s operating system, you need to navigate to the “Structures” folder, at one of the following locations:

  • Version 3 & older – XP: C:\Program Files\Ban-Koe\IMG\Structures.
  • Version 4 – XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Ban-Koe\Image\Structures
  • Version 3 – Vista: C:\Program Data\Ban-Koe\Image\Structures
  • Version 4 – Win 7: C:\Program Data\Ban-Koe\Image\Structures

Right click on the “Structures” folder and copy. Navigate to a place where you’d like to place the copy; right click and paste. Depending on the size of the “Structures” folder, you can either save it on a network drive, flash drive, or burn it to a CD/DVD.



I have readers on each side of a door (inside and outside) and want to disallow access unless a card user has scanned both in AND out.

To do this, you will need to purchase the Professional version of the Net2 software. After installing the Professional version, the feature is called “Anti-Passback” and can be found within the door setup parameters (Right-click on door name and select Properties). Anti-Passback is either On or Off – and not much configuration is needed beyond turning it on.



How can I make my Barcode Scanner automatically check people in and out to avoid clicking the button manually?

The readers have to be programmed to allow for an F12 preamble, which is the shortcut key that pops up the quick sign in/out window. Since all barcode readers are different, and many require a programmers manual, contact Total ID Solutions at 440-449-8000 for a short step-by-step procedure for your particular model.